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Intercultural Trainings and Coachings


Inter/-Transcultural ­ training

We live in a globalized and diverse world and share our everyday life with people from various cultural backgrounds and different patterns of feelings, thinking and action. This includes enormous potentials and great challenges.

  • Strengthen your cultural competencies and sensibility - for respectful, joyful and productive professional and private relationships!
  • Learn about how cultural imprints shape our thinking, feeling and acting as well as our communication styles - and the diversity of these phenomena
  • Individually tailored and interactive formats in trainings, coachings and teambuildings

Inter-/Transcultural ­ coaching

Are you leading an intercultural team? Are you working with intercultural partners or are you planning a project abroad? ... I support individuals and teams in all matters relating to interculturality. The focus is on your individual situation.

  • Individual accompaniment and support
  • Solution-oriented analysis of specific concerns and team dynamics
  • Individual strategy development

Stay abroad coachings

Whether it's a work stay, a semester abroad or a long trip - stays abroad are particularly valuable phases of life. New places, people, behavior and ways of thinking enrich and inspire us - and sometimes present us with great challenges. Systematic knowledge of intercultural, social and psychological aspects will help you cope with internal and external changes.

  • Make the most of the potential of your stay abroad!
  • Support during preparation, during your stay and on return
  • Individually tailored training and coaching

Basic knowledge download area

Come with us on an exciting journey into the world of inter-/transcultural communication. Whether you are preparing for a stay abroad, working in an international team or just want to expand your knowledge - these resources are for you!


"Simone Krais's course really resonated with me. I would recommend it at any time. Simone managed to make a technical topic extremely interesting with her knowledge and personality."

Andrea, Freiburg

“Simone's teachings are extremely impactful, memorable and helpful on a personal and professional level. I recognize her deep passion to teach, inform and help others so that they may become the best version of themself.”

Monica, Kanada

“This course has been a real eye-opener for me ... it gave me a huge boost to my self-confidence. The topics covered during the course are both relevant and fascinating.”

Monia, Frankreich

"It's rare to get such intensive and motivating individual coaching. Thank you for that!"

Lilli, Freiburg

"Such an interesting course! As an autistic person I would love more understanding of interacting with different individuals with all their different backgrounds and for me this is one way of doing that!"

Lily, Chile

"This course has been a real eye opener. I learned so much, now I have a better understanding of different cultures and all the points that connect them, helping one become a diverse person."

Lihongeni, Namibia

"The personal attention and individual support in the course helped me a lot to achieve my goals... Simone made me feel like my questions and progress were important."

Leoni, Freiburg

"Simone makes you feel supported and heard every step of the way."

Emilie, Freiburg

"Your presentation is so nice and I would like to say thanks for your ideas about cultures. I learned more knowledge and new skills."

Christer, Tansania

"Simone is very warm and always gives perfect feedback that stimulates thinking and improvement."

Salome, Freiburg

"I really enjoyed the workshop and gained valuable insights into understanding different cultures."

Martha, Namibia

"Simone takes time for each individual and takes you significantly further with her individual coaching."

Mara, Freiburg

"Ich war so erstaunt, mir all dieser kulturellen Unterschiede bewusst zu werden. Es machte es für mich noch einfacher, mich in einer neuen Kultur zurechtzufinden."

Moshud, Nigeria

You are really doing a great work!

George, Tansania

"Dieser Kurs hat mir wirklich die Augen für neue Perspektiven auf kulturelle Unterschiede geöffnet – wunderbar!"

Jenna, Kanada

"Ich habe die Sitzung wirklich genossen, ich habe ehrlich gesagt viel gelernt. Es gibt interessante Aktivitäten während der Sitzung, wirklich schön!"

Sanelisiwe, Südafrika

    I am anthropologist, communication, language and mental trainer. I work and live in Freiburg. I'm interested in what shapes us as human beings, how we arrange our social relations and how we can better understand ourselves and others. I pass on my interdisciplinary theoretical and practical knowledge in my courses and coaching sessions. These are available in person in the Freiburg area (other locations on request) or regardless of location in online format, in English or German.

    Questions? I'm looking forward to your message!

    My topics are available

    • as seminar or workshop, individual and group coaching or as a lecture

    • in German or English

    • in person or online