Coaching abroad takes place in three sequences: 1. preparation phase, 2. support during the stay abroad and 3. the return process.
1) Preparation phase
During the preparation period, the focus is on planning and organizing the stay abroad, knowledge input about the target region and the local situation, cultural and linguistic preparations, but also the emotional attunement.
2) During your stay abroad
After saying goodbye and arriving, your new life begins. Classically, you experience a “honeymoon” phase at the beginning: you enthusiastically absorb everything new and enjoy the new input and the broadening of your horizons. However, this can also be followed by phases of crisis: the new world is sometimes very demanding, developing a social network takes time and being alone requires learning, and cultural differences can be very stressful - you are in the middle of the adjustment process. After this period of getting used to it, you have “really” arrived.
3) Re-entry
You usually only notice how much you have changed as a result of your stay abroad after you return. Although you carry a whole backpack full of wonderful experiences with you and are looking forward to home enriched, you may have changed so much that when you return you no longer really “fit in” and perceive your usual life at home completely differently. You just need time to digest all the experiences and get used to being at home again.
Although stays abroad have very similar structures, all processes are individual and every stay abroad is different. I accompany you in your individual situation, give you professional input on intercultural and psychosocial processes, support you in crises and encourage you to think and reflect.